Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Long time no blog!!

Soooo I haven;t blogged in a while so heres an update Im 38wks and full as a tick! All has gone well until this week my blood pressure spiked and there are significant amounts of protein in my urine ugh! Long story short I was sent over to the hospital and was told I'd be there for 24hrs at the least all for them to monitor my blood pressure and do a 24hr urine protein test so they put me into a gown into the bed with strict orders of no lights or TV. Oh joy just what I wanted...Not! As time went on they realized it was a false alarm my B/P came down drastically and they decided to send me home with the urine test kit, now we're talking I'm going home. After the nurse pumped me full of water off I went and I was glad, I mean who wants to be there sooner than needed and for a semi false alarm at that. There's really no place like home unless your on a tropical vacation but I made it home and I am glad, although I'm going back on Thursday for a recheck I'm a little nervous but I think I'll check out ok and go home to finish out my last few weeks of the pregnancy and to top it all off my real doctor is out of town so I'd rather have her here to deliver than a fill in.