Tuesday, July 5, 2011

So for anyone who isn't in the loop this little squirt here is my brand new baby girl. Her name is yarah she was born         4-8-11 At 5:57am, 7lbs 2oz, 20 1/4 inches long. She is just the most sweetest baby ever, not just because she's mine but she really is, an perfect in every way. Here she is with her big brother gabe. He has done so well with her always checking on her an kissing her every chance he gets.I love seeing her in his arms, even though I can't remember being held by my brothers when I was a baby I'm almost positive it was exactly like this. I really hope an pray they always have a special bond even there will be those times they are fussing it's just a part of growing up, you fight with your siblings but at the end of they day there's no place you'd rather be than snuggled right under your big brother or sister at night especially if your afraid of the dark. So now that I'm a wife an mother of two I'm an official stay at home mom!!! At times it's a thankless job but the reward is silent but huge, there's always something to be cooked, cleaned, sewn, built, etc alot of people think SAHM just sit in their jammies all day watch soaps an eat snacks...NOT!!! Some days you blink and the days over and you only completed two things off the "to do list" ill never know where the time goes. Like I said before being a SAHM can be a thankless job I wouldn't trade it for anything I love knowing that my children know I'm right there if they need me, even if my oldest is entering fifth grade and is too cool for me sometimes I love every bit of it! I'm so blessed to be able to stay with them. Thank you lord for this opportunity!

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